Mind-Body-Spirit- Membership


Sick of playing small?

You yearn for something more but you always talk yourself out of it. You feel restless because you know there is more to this life than how you are currently feeling and showing up.


Mind-Body-Spirit Membership is for you!


I remember, I started in that same place.

I felt like everyday was a marathon and I was exhausted. I wanted to be present to my family, to feel like I was connecting with my kids and husband, that I was making a difference in my career.

Instead I felt exhausted and like no one was getting my best. When I was at work I worried about family and when I was at home I worried about work. It was an exhausting cycle where no one was winning.


I have spent the last 10 years specializing in being present and mindful. Don’t get me wrong, this does not mean I have it figured out and am always present and mindful. Like you, I stumble and fall and get off track.

I am an expert because I continue to practice and refine and course correct. I use and teach tools that I know work because they have been practiced for lifetimes AND they work for me.

None of this makes sense if I offer a one size fits all approach. This membership is designed to help you discover YOUR path, what makes sense in YOUR life. Meditation and Reiki are tools we will use to uncover that and we may add other tools because it fits who you are and what you need.


Get to know yourself & fall in love with who you are and what you bring to this world.


Benefits of Membership


Feel whole and full of life even when life is full.


Find purpose, grounding, strength to live the life you are meant to live.


Connect and allow your life to flow and be guided by an inner knowing, by intuition.


Develop a deep mind, body spirit connection so that you are in tune to how you feel.


Develop a comfort and trust with yourself knowing that you can handle all of your emotions, all of what life throws at you and have tools to manage when you feel off-center.


The start of something new is always messy and challenging, we fall and need to get back up -- I have been there, let me be your guide on this soul journey. Let me coach you back to the path when you fall.


Learn more about pricing and what is include in membership


Membership Tiers

We have several membership tiers to meet your needs. Simply choose the option that is best for you and click the link to get started.

One Session Per Month is good for you if you are not seeking to make any big changes.

Life feels pretty good. You are seeking to continue taking care of yourself and need a monthly tune-up.

Do you feel stressed and anxious? Are you ready to feel better but don’t know how or have lost momentum?

This package is for you. Two Sessions Per Month will make a big impact in feeling better while creating momentum for lasting change.

A 10 pack is the answer if you need the flexibility of scheduling and have some self-care goals you are working on.

Your 10 pack is good to use as quickly as needed or it is good for up to a year.

Do two sessions per month when you are able and then when life gets busy you have the flexibility to come in less frequently. This package flexes with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

+ What makes a Mindful Reiki & Meditation membership valuable?

Sometimes we don’t even know what the “problems” are, we just know we feel exhausted or in emotional or even physical pain. Reiki is such a valuable tool in being able to release some of the invisible (to us) blocks. So even if you can’t quite find the words, Reiki will begin working for you and helping you to feel better until eventually the words start to form and you get a true understanding of where you are.

In addition, I have been there. I remember feeling absolutely exhausted and I also have dug my way out. I have compassion for the place you are currently and for all of the spots on your healing journey. I have found myself there as well. That can be super helpful.

+ How do I know if Mindful Reiki & Meditation is the right place for me?

Check out my Facebook page and listen to a few #MondayMinute videos, read some blog posts. Do these things speak to you? Do you feel welcome and comfortable here? Listen to your own wisdom. Another option is to book a discovery call. These are not full pressure sales pitches -- this is about finding a good fit for you and me. No one likes a sales pitch or a messy breakup -- let’s do the work now to find out if this is the right fit.

+ Can I pay in full rather than monthly?


+ What forms of payment do you accept?

Most memberships are paid for monthly on a credit card. If you require a different arrangement, let’s talk about it and see what works.

+ If I don’t use my sessions or can’t make group calls, can I get a refund?

Membership requires you to make effort to show up both physically and emotionally / spiritually. This is an investment in you of both time and money. If you do not want to do the work or are feeling resistant and therefore do not show up, you will not get the benefit. I will work with you to work through any resistance but just like the gym, if you do not show up you don’t get the benefit and you are not refunded.

+ Can I cancel my membership?

Yes. I encourage all of my clients to talk to me about what is working and what is not. Let’s have open conversation early and often about how your membership is going. If after talking through what is not working, you are still not satisfied, I require a month’s notice in writing to cancel.
