Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, Mindful Reiki & Meditation

Are You Tired?

Are you tired of being tired? Tired of feeling frazzled or restless? Tired of not knowing who you are or what you want anymore? I remember how this feels.


Your energy may be out of balance.



Energy surrounds us and lives within us. When blockages develop, we feel it - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

At Mindful Reiki & Meditation, you’ll experience a unique approach to Reiki; one that combines the traditional healing benefits of Reiki with at-home tools and support to help you make a complete lifestyle change so you can reconnect with your true self and live life empowered.

Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, Mindful Reiki & Meditation

Find Peace. Regain Balance. Experience Joy.


Start to Feel Like Yourself Again. 


Clear your mind of clutter and ground yourself so you can reconnect with your inner wisdom.

Reconnect With Your Passions. 


As you heal, you'll begin to listen to your body and understand what it needs, regaining energy and rediscovering passions and interests.

Discover Your Own Inner Wisdom. 


Reiki is the ultimate form of self-care; one that supports mind-body-spirit wellness to allow you to reconnect with your true self, your best self.

Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, Mindful Reiki & Meditation
Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, Jess Schmechel

Welcome to Mindful Reiki & Meditation

a Reiki Master and mindfulness coach based in Green Bay, WI.

I work with clients in person and from a distance to help them find inner peace and regain balance in their lives through Reiki. This ancient practice promotes body, mind, and spirit healing, helping people reconnect to the space within to live more fulfilling lives.  

If you're feeling out of balance, stuck in a rut, or simply overwhelmed by the demands of life, book a discovery call with me. We'll work together to remove the energy blocks and behavior patterns that are holding you back and keeping you from feeling your best.


Let me help you find your path to

your best self.


Mind-Body-Spirit Memberships

Mindful Reiki & Meditation memberships support a holistic approach to wellness that goes beyond diet and exercise to focus on the alignment of the mind, body, and spirit.

Membership is a gift to yourself that will provide you with tools and techniques that you can use to find purpose, grounding, and strength to live the life you want.

As a member, you'll receive access to resources that are designed to help you reconnect with yourself and discover your own inner wisdom.

Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, True North Healing
Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, True North Healing


Experience the deep release that comes with removing energy blockages through healing Reiki. Each session is fully private and includes 1:1 wellness coaching.

Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, True North Healing


Align your body, mind, and spirit through gentle yoga movements. Gain awareness of the breath, where you hold tension, and how to give in to the release.

Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, True North Healing


Learn to quiet your mind, check-in with yourself, and practice introspection through silent or guided meditation.

Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, True North Healing


Explore mini-workshops on a variety of topics related to being present and mindset work to deepen your practice and understanding of self.


Our mind-body-spirit wellness memberships include in-person and/or virtual sessions.


It's Time to Discover Your Best Self

Ready to put your wellness first and find your path?


BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL. Do you have more questions? Wonder how Reiki could work for you? Speak with me personally to learn more about healing Reiki or Mindful Reiki & Meditation membership options.


BECOME A MEMBER. Visit the Membership page to learn more about our membership options. Know this is for you already? Ready to take action and get started?


START FEELING BETTER. Access support, practice self-care, and reconnect with your best self. Ready to give it a try?

Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, True North Healing

Live Life Empowered.

Mind Body Spirit Healing and coach, True North Healing

Join the List and Receive a

Free 20-Minute Energy Audit

Join the email list to stay up to date with Mindful Reiki & Meditation and get tips to incorporate healing and self-care in your everyday life.

As a welcome, I am offering new subscribers a free 20-minute energy audit. I'll assess your energy, identify areas of blockage, and recommend ways to better align your body, mind, and spirit for a renewed outlook on life! 
