What is Reiki?


I get this question a lot. What is Reiki?

Reiki is energy work. It is a hands on natural healing technique that was developed in Japan in the 1800’s. Reiki is non-invasive and compliments other medical and therapeutic treatments. Reiki treats the whole body, physical, emotional, and spiritual. 

Energy is something we all know and experience (this may be the point where I lose you, but stick with me, this makes sense). Energy is the thing we can’t see or touch in a room but we can feel it. Think about going to a concert or a large sporting event or even getting into a friend’s car after they have been fighting. In all of those settings you can feel the energy and it affects you. Sometimes feeling that energy can lift you up and make you feel great or it can drag you down and make you feel irritable.

We are made of energy and our energy radiates out of us. Reiki uses a giant dose of positive energy to balance and raise your energy. When your energy is balanced and raised it feels good and is at its optimal place for healing.

Additional Resources about Reiki

ReikiJessica Schmechel